Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Centrist politics

I have been away for a couple weeks, but now I am back to do more blogging.

I will resume with a short post about politics. I saw this post on another blog and I found myself agreeing with much of it (although I will dispute some of the historical interpretation in the blog):


Basically it is form a centrist-right perspective and it makes the point that the Democrats are over reaching to the liberal side as much as the Republicans had been over reaching to the conservative side. Ultimately the author says there are good ideas on both sides of the aisle, but the demand for party purity (especially on the right in my interpretation) bars otherwise fair minded politicians from using or accepting those good ideas.

Ultimately I would love to see the rise of a true centrist party that respects individual liberties and demands individual responsibility while still supporting a safety net to assist those in our nation who have temporarily found themselves in a difficult position along with those who are unable to support themselves due to disability (physical or mental). Such a party could actually make some progress for America.

1 comment:

  1. I have been bothered by the all or nothing stance both parties have been taking lately. To me, just toeing the party line seems like not thinking for yourself or not standing up for what you believe.

    George Isele
